Monday, May 9, 2016

Graffiti/Found Objects

Merger Photos

1. I noticed on the second girl, her hand and shoulder got cut off my the fence. The photo didn't merge well in that spot.

2. Somewhere inside,under shade, or with a consistent color in the background (all black, all white, all purple, etc.)

3. I wouldn't mind somehow telling a story or having action

4. Colors that don't blend in with the background. Wearing colors that pop!

HDR Photography

Warm-Up (May 9,2016)

1. My favorite photo is a square photo with five horses shown. The environment in the back looks to be a bit foggy thus creating a misty, calm feel to the photos.

2. I assumed some applications or equipment was used to help capture these photos. The used a phone, but manipulated them somewhat. Though when I re-read the header at the page, it said these photos were taken without filters and adjustments.

3. It said no editing tools were used in creating these images, though knowing how to use your phone camera properly AND using the editing applications can really make some images pop.

4. I would try using editing apps to help create what I want. Practicing taking images with my phone can really help me get a better feel of what my phone's camera can produce.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

HDR Photography Intro

1.Photos should be take with different shutter speed/aperture combinations to create images with varying luminosity and depth of field

2. A tripod, HDR blending software, and shooting in RAW.

3. To create a more realistic image to capture the beauty of the subject

4. How some spaces are darker/brighter than others (more drastic values).