Thursday, October 29, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

The Prehistoric Forest, Irish Hills, Michigan! This park is full of fiberglass dinosaurs scattered through a forrest. I would love to go see the art work and maybe take make one for myself! It would give off a nice, natural feeling to the photos. Plus, who doesn't love dinosaurs

I would love to go see some abandoned asylums, circuses, or prisons. Places that once used to be cities or small towns could make interesting subjects. Islands that don't seem to be well known could also give the same effect.

Isla de las Munecas - The Island of the Dolls

It would be amazing to see such a creepy site! Hearing the legend and touring the island could be a great story to show. Maybe spending the night and documenting what happens as well? I could venture deeper into the island and see if there is some unknown dolls round and about.

I would bring my camera equipment along with a doll to hang. I would ask around and learn about Mexico's culture. I could document my visit to Mexico as well as this charmed island.

Africa Photos

I think it is very interesting and brave that Nick Brandt does this. I bet it is an amazing experience working around these animals while blending his passion for photography along with it.

This photo shows two lions (female on left, male on right) with each other. I think the photo is beautiful because of the colors and animals in it.
The lions seem to fill the frame well, there also seems to be balance in the photo.
He uses a Pentax 67ii with two fixed lenses, thus creating a dramatic landscape.
He sees how these species are become more and more endangered everyday. Brandt wants to show us what we are going to be missing.

"There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa." -Nick Brandt

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Famous Black & White Photographers PART 3

1. I feel that these photos are very interesting because they show what common people look like in the city. They are just interesting photos to look at, the different personalities of people in the photos make them very enjoyable.

2. The last two photos I posted (on part two):

I see happiness and love. The way he spins her around shows the affection burning brightly. Her laughter can lighten up the room.

I smell the ocean breeze, and the smell of faint perfume.

I hear the cars zoom by on the slick streets. The conversations of citizens fill my ears as they pass.

I taste the salty ocean water and the sweet dessert. Each one are so drastically different, though they give me the same feeling.

I feel the melting ice cream on my fingertips and the water seeping through the fabric. Both are so cold, though the feelings of care take over such uncomfortable feelings.

3. A poster would be wonderful.

Mural at Bowie!!

1. We should just have what anyone thinks is interesting at Bowie! If someone is wearing a fun fiesta outfit and they get a nice picture of it, we could put it on the mural! Maybe if someone takes a beautiful photo of the flowers on campus, we could post that too!

2. I feel that we could use any way to get photos. The more the better!

3. I wouldn't mind where the mural was, anyplace where it could be seen would be amazing!

Funny Elderly Captions

 Marcia Addams is spotted at her granddaughters 7th birthday party wearing a plastic princess crown. The birthday girl, Sarah Addams, placed the headwear on her grandmothers head while she finished eating a piece of chocolate cake. "I felt beautiful in my crown." Addams said.

94 year old Mark Leander orders a cheeseburger at the neighborhood's nearest Wendy's. He ran through many red lights while he was on his way to fulfill his hunger. "What can I say, I gotta have my mid-day burger." Leander said.

Linda Grace, a hometown favorite, wears a hilarious shirt to the local supermarket. She bought the shirt at a thrift shop in Atlanta, Georgia. "I heard many people laughing as I passed them. It was really enjoyable." Grace said.

Friday, October 9, 2015


ISO: 200

ISO: 3200

1. Movement could've blurred the photo
2. When there is plenty of light
3. When it is dim or dark

Unusual and Interesting Photos

A. I think his work was amazing! It was very different and fun!
B. I assume he took three different photos from different angles and overlaid them to create these interesting photos.
C. The Frost Bank Tower in Austin, Texas would look very beautiful.

Shutter Speed



1. 1/30 or 1/60
2. 1/30 or 1/60
3. 1/1000
4. 1/800
5. 1/60
6. 1/1000
1. 1/30
2. 1/30
3. 1/1000
4. 1/500
5. 1/30
6. 1/500

You may use Auto along with Manual, Shutter Priority, and Aperture Priority. Auto is your camera doing all the work for you! Manual is where you set your shutter speed and aperture yourself. Aperture Priority sets the shutter speed for you, though you manually fix the aperture. Last, Shutter Priority is the opposite of Aperture Priority.

Academic Photo Reflection

1. I wanted to try to get the best photo as I could without standing in an abnormal place in the classroom.
2. I tried to keep my photos level. I kept kneeling down to make it seem like I was eye level with the subject.
3. I would try to make my photos more interesting.
4. I would use the same subjects.
5. Rule of Thirds or Simplicity
6. Framing
7. Balance is what I struggle on. Looking at Balance photos may help my confusion.

I think the photos have amazing potential! Most subjects can be seen in the photos as well. I do think if the photos were not blurry and some faces could be seen better, the photos would look perfect!

Academic Photos




I tried to accomplish Rule of Thirds on all three of my photos, though on picture A and B I feel like I accomplished Simplicity.
Picture A: The subject is the girl drawing in the hallway. I believe the subject is clear.
Picture B: The subject is the boy in math class focusing on what Mrs. Dobrenel is teaching. I believe the subject is clear.
Picture C: The two boys in math are my subjects. I feel I could have moved in front of their desks to have them more focused, though I would have lost Rule of Thirds.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Aperture is like our eyes!!
The smaller the f-stop, the larger aperture
The larger the f-stop, the smaller the aperture
Aperture creates Depth of Field by blurring the background and putting the subject in focus, thus creating a more interesting photo!