Thursday, October 29, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

The Prehistoric Forest, Irish Hills, Michigan! This park is full of fiberglass dinosaurs scattered through a forrest. I would love to go see the art work and maybe take make one for myself! It would give off a nice, natural feeling to the photos. Plus, who doesn't love dinosaurs

I would love to go see some abandoned asylums, circuses, or prisons. Places that once used to be cities or small towns could make interesting subjects. Islands that don't seem to be well known could also give the same effect.

Isla de las Munecas - The Island of the Dolls

It would be amazing to see such a creepy site! Hearing the legend and touring the island could be a great story to show. Maybe spending the night and documenting what happens as well? I could venture deeper into the island and see if there is some unknown dolls round and about.

I would bring my camera equipment along with a doll to hang. I would ask around and learn about Mexico's culture. I could document my visit to Mexico as well as this charmed island.

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