Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Funny Elderly Captions

 Marcia Addams is spotted at her granddaughters 7th birthday party wearing a plastic princess crown. The birthday girl, Sarah Addams, placed the headwear on her grandmothers head while she finished eating a piece of chocolate cake. "I felt beautiful in my crown." Addams said.

94 year old Mark Leander orders a cheeseburger at the neighborhood's nearest Wendy's. He ran through many red lights while he was on his way to fulfill his hunger. "What can I say, I gotta have my mid-day burger." Leander said.

Linda Grace, a hometown favorite, wears a hilarious shirt to the local supermarket. She bought the shirt at a thrift shop in Atlanta, Georgia. "I heard many people laughing as I passed them. It was really enjoyable." Grace said.

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