Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My First Interview

20 questions:
1. What motivated you to do so well in school?
Ive always liked being at my best-- the best.

2. How does it feel being SOTM?
It feels great.

3. Do you think being SOTM can give you new opportunities? Why or Why not?
I think that college is looking at awards like this, I feel that I have a better change at getting accepted into a dream college.

4. What classes do you take?
AP English, PreAP Science, PreAP Algebra, PreAP History, Yearbook, AP Environmental Science, Aquatic Science, and FFA.

5. What do you think could change about the classes you take? Should they be improved?
I wish they were not as challenging.

6. How do your peers feel about you being SOTM?
Very proud, they love to brag about me.

7. Who helped you become SOTM?
My parents and my friends definitely.

8. Has being SOTM been challenging for you?
Yes, I don't have much time for all of my work.

9. Do you feel that people look up to you more?
Yes, I feel that I have an impact on my friend group.

10. Who do you think this affects more other than you?
My project and work affects my teacher positively.

11. Are your grades part of the decision making to allow you to receive this award?
Yes, you hast have a certain GPA.

12. What do you feel your strengths are?
Helping others and learning.

13. Do you wish you were recognized for something else other than SOTM?
I am happy with SOTM. I don't need to be recognized.

14. Have you felt a personal change after receiving SOTM?
Yes, I have more confidence in my abilities.

15. Do you know any others who have won this award?
Yes, my good friend Jayden.

16. What was your first reaction upon receiving SOTM?
I thought it was a mistake.

17. Was any physical prize given?
I have a little metal.

18. Were you expecting to get this award?
I was not. I did not think my project was up to par compared to my peers.

19. Do you think this reward/title is motivating to your peers to strive to do their best?
I hope so.

20. What advice do you have to the future SOTM?
Don't over work yourself, you can do it!

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