Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student of the Month Story

WHO- Alexa Maine (Marissa ____)
WHEN- Recently
WHERE- Bowie High School
WHY- She was a great example of how a student should act and participate in school
HOW- ''

Sophomore Alexa Maine recently won Student of the Month at Bowie High School because she was a great example of how a student should act and participate in school.

Many people wish to become Student of the Month, though only a select few are up to par with the rewards standards. Sophomore Alexa Maine was awarded Student of the Month for being a star example of how a student should act and participate in school.

Fellow students votes for Maine because they felt her project in the Bowie Science Fair was suitable for this award. “I am very proud of what she has accomplished.” Freshman Leslie Durk said.

Maine’s project was based on how human life affects the environment around them. She created a complex research journal, which won the judges’ and students’ minds. “I was not expecting this award,” Maine said, “I didn’t think my project was up to par with my peers.”

She was awarded soon after, changing the way she thought about her project. “I have more confidence in my abilities.” Maine said.

The award is only given to those who show satisfactory behavior and grades. After the student vote, the nominee’s grades are checked by the councilor, thus creating the final decision on the monthly winner.

Becoming Student of the Month can be a challenge. “You have to have a certain GPA along with finishing lots of work in so little time.” Maine said.

Many students try to succeed such an award, though the work required can give the students a tougher time. The requirements to earn this award can really bring students down. The ones who do end up winning such an admirable award should feel proud and honored.

“I don't have much time for all of my work,” Maine said, “Its a lot of hard work to get done.”

Though the work is hard to accomplish, it is not impossible. Students who set their goals high and get organized can win the award in no time.

“Don’t over work yourself, you can do it.” Maine said.

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